Public & Private Partnerships Drive $300B in Sustainable Infrastructure

The building industry is transforming as energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and green technologies create safer, healthier, more productive work environments. My guest today, Trenton Allen, Managing Director & CEO of Sustainable Capital Advisors, explains how Public and private partnerships are driving $300 billion in sustainable urban infrastructure opportunities over the next 5 years. Allen has recently been appointed to the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, which provides advice and recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Energy. He and I talk about the incredible impact this kind of development will have in driving economic development across the U.S., like providing thousands of jobs in sustainable construction and retrofits as well as maintenance and operations. Allen explains some of the financial mechanisms that are used, like tax credits, cash in lieu of grants, and direct capital investment.
Tags: Energy Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships, Energy Efficiency, Green Building