Acre Transforms Talent Recruiting for Sustainable Investment
Andy Cartland, Founder & MD, APAC, Acre; Gloria Mirrione, ED & Head of Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing, Americas, Acre
We all know how important good employees are to any business. But in financial services, and particularly sustainable finance, which is rapidly expanding and changing the way we invest, finding and developing top talent is absolutely critical. So how do you go about finding the right people with the right skills to help your company become a sustainability leader? In today’s podcast I’m talking with 2 pioneers in recruiting and talent development in sustainable finance. Andy Cartland founded Acre 20 years ago, and has built the company into a global leader in the field. Gloria Mirrione is Executive Director and Head of Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing at Acre, Americas. Andy and Gloria will be answering some of the most important questions about how human capital drives transformational change, whether for traditional or alternative asset managers or for banks and insurers.